Sumitomo SHI FW

Data Platform Development for Analytics Products

Sumitomo SHI FW has been on a journey of innovation since 1891. As a global provider of energy technology and services, their focus is on integrated solutions that support their customers from end to end. Their vision is to become the leading technology provider of integrated energy solutions for decarbonized energy.
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The cooperation between Sumitomo SHI FW and AI Roots started in the Spring of 2023 when the company sought to expand its data platform development capabilities for its analytics product. The product utilizes IoT technology to retrieve data from power plants, which is stored in the data platform and utilized by Sumitomo SHI FW's analytics experts.

AI Root's senior consultant, Saman Ahmadi, has significantly contributed to enhancing the company's cloud infrastructure, and data pipelines, and scaling up the solution to allow more clients to be onboarded. Initially hired to implement solutions for new clients and assist with various development tasks, Saman quickly took on a more expansive role.  Demonstrating a proactive approach, he has also played a vital role in driving the whole solution forward with areas such as new product development, architecture development, quality assurance, DevOps, and best practices. Furthermore, he has been coaching the rest of the team, elevating both the working environment and teamwork to a new level.
We have been exceptionally happy with the senior consultant AI Roots has provided for us. Saman has been proactive, jumping into new development areas without hesitation. With him, our whole team has been able to achieve much more than anticipated within the first year of collaboration. Additionally, I would like to highlight the process AI Roots had with the assignment from specifying the need and eventually being able to offer the top two candidates for this position out of many others offered. The light and simple process with pre- and after-sales activities with AI Roots has been a great fit for us and I can highly recommend their services.

Mikko Ojamo, Digital Operations & Products Lead

Sumitomo SHI

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Max Rantakallio

AI Roots Partner

+358 40 0879929